We specialize in consulting and implementation of changes in key areas of logistics, ranging from warehousing processes, to logistics of production processes, transport logistics and distribution, and ending with the optimization of the overall supply chain.

Distribution warehouses and ecommerce

Specializations: warehouses and logistics centres, warehouse logistics, optimization of warehouse processes, warehouse layout planning, warehouse design, warehouse equipment, warehouse automation, warehouse management, WMS systems, software applications for warehouses, warehouse space rental, warehouse location, tender procedures for equipment purchase

Production plant warehouses

Specializations: production warehouse, internal logistics, maintenance, production process logistics, production management, optimization of production processes, logistics concepts for production plants, tender procedures for equipment purchase, warehouse automation

Supply chain and distribution

Specializations: supply chain management and optimization, supply chain strategy, designing new supply chains, distribution logistics, transport logistics, logistics controlling, purchasing policy, contracts with suppliers, distribution networks, sales networks, models of distribution networks, contracts with suppliers of transport services, CoG analysis, selection of the location for warehouses and logistics centres, planning of delivery routes, optimizing the “last mile”

Community and exchange of experiences

Activities: conferences, lectures, seminars, discussion panels, expert publications, own research, cooperation with universities and research units, support for research projects, industry integration