What are you getting?
Supporting a project, an enterprise, an investment venture, or an implementation with the experience and knowledge of Chaingers’ managers, in the formula of cooperation that is appropriate for the Client’s needs
Value: High efficiency of projects and changes thanks to experience, with readily available resources (people, know-how, tools)
We provide: Human resources, their experience, knowledge and tools supporting the Client in the effective implementation of solutions
Contact regarding the offer

Bartosz Jacyna
Partner, Business Development
What services do we provide?
Independent management of the implementation project, with the possible support of the necessary competences and experience of other members of the Chaingers’ team
Management, reporting, and coordination of activities
Sample projects:
• purchase and implementation of warehouse automation
• relocation and consolidation of warehouses
• implementation of the WMS system
Entering the company’s organizational structure in order to:
• rebuild processes and organization
• provide substantive support to the organization
• train people
• rebuild the logistics relationship with other departments in the company
Reaching the agreed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Support for the project carried out by the Client with our knowledge and experience – on request, in a specific mode of operation
• Project activities implemented in the “standby” mode
• “Time & material” based invoicing
Substantive supervision of Chaingers’ in the form of workshops or consulting in a project managed by the Client