
ASAJ is a Polish company from electrotechnical industry, operating since 1990.
Currently has 22 branches, including 3 regional warehouses, and the product range covers 75,000 active SKUs.
In 2021 ASAJ has made approximately 2 million releases


Preparation of ASAJ’s logistics for further increase in turnover and sales, including: extending the range, modifying existing sales channels, developing new channels.
The concept of the Distribution Center is to prepare ASAJ for a rational decision regarding the shape and cost of the investment.


  • Determining the rational space and capacity of the Distribution Center
  • Decision regarding the shape of the processes and use of the right technology
  • The choice of systems to automate selected processes
  • Assessment of the impact on the requirements of the WMS system
  • Operational and system risks analysis
  • Analysis of configuration variants
  • Implementation roadmap


  • Calculation of the space requirements of the new Distribution Center
  • Comparison of costs of warehouse automation solutions
  • Strategy for the location of the Distribution Center
  • Distribution Center layout
  • Specification for the new WMS
  • Equipment specification
  • Detailed schedule for deployment

Contact regarding the offer

Bartosz Jacyna
Partner, Business Development